Subversive Parable for a New Generation
So Dwayne has us reading this book to expand ourselves: Parables As Subversive Speech: Jesus As Pedagogue of the Oppressed and we got to thinking: What would a parable look like today that would be subversive?" Well.... Marisa wanted to bring something about Dr. Phil into it (because he's sooooo controversial), but I told her that I thought the Messiah would probably ask something different than "How's that working for you?" Then I suggested incorporating Lost (but we couldn't get figure out if the Kingdom of God is like the Hatch, the Island, a Boat or maybe that Polar Bear. Then we saw jefe's post about the new Superman movie. It made us laugh. We like to laugh. And Scrapbook. We really like to scrapbook. So we decided since there's all this controversy o

So we're hosting our own subversive superhero parable contest:
You have heard it said that Superman is gay...
Now you finish the parable!
Keep on Scrapbookin(4 JC)!
Marisa & Susie
Herzog? You're reading Herzog! That's freaking awesome!
As for your parable...
Man, that's maybe a little too radical for me. I'll wait until someone else dips their foot in the water first. But I admire y'all for puttin' it out there like that.
jefe is an honor that it took 2 of you to replace me at marisa's book marisa????
you have heard it said that superman is gay, but i tell you that unless a man is comfortable wearing a solid suit of spandex, he remains but a man. but if he wears a solid suit of spandex, he is putting it all out there for the world to see, and that is the manliest of deeds. selah.
you have heard it said that superman is gay, but i tell you that it is easier for superman to get out of his super suit than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. so therefore, lay down your kryptonite, pick up your hair gel, and write a new blog post. your readers are getting antsy.
you have heard it said that Superman is gay, but until thou has exchanged thine own clothing for a cape & codpiece, than one is as Kal-El on Krypton
you have heard it said that Superman is gay...but nowadays who isn't?
You have heard that it was said that Superman is gay, but I say to you that compared to Batman and Robin, Superman is straight as an arrow.
I can confidently say on behalf of the blogging community that the great promise and potential of this blog is being wasted. Would you post already?
don't make me start posting as anonymous other bloggers begging for a post. i won't stoop that low. or maybe i would. but i would really rather not...i am busy these days...
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